Aug 31, 2007

It's not really hard ^_^

The first time, I think it will hard. But, after tasting it, it's not really hard for me. Yesterday, when I arrived in my school, every teacher said "Haaa... your eyes is puffing up, did you cry last night??", and I said "No, I didn't cry". After that, as usual I study with ms. Eva. I told her about my feeling and sometimes she tried to cheer me up. And I feel better, she is kind for me. feeling almost confuse, cause till at 6 pm there was no text for me. I wondered, "where is he?, what is he doing now?, does he forget me?". Not long time after thinking it, my cell phone rang. There was a text. And do you know, the text is from my honey. I don't know my feel at that time, just say "Thanx for my God". ^_^ see you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yang penting adek ^_^