Aug 25, 2007

I can't understand about my feeling

You know, I ever thought about my self. Sometimes I feel that I am a foolish girl. I don't know. My other soul said that to me. Not only a foolish girl, sometimes I feel, I am a lier. Exactly, I have a big secret. But, I can't share in my diary now. Maybe next time.
Yah, a Lier. Maybe it's kind for me. I'm a lier, I can't give responsibility for my lie. The things that I hope, can happen in my life, it's gone. Only cause a personal problem. I always make a lie for keeping the truth. I always try to tell to my self everything which make I survive.
It gave me a little bit support. Yeah.. I can't feel this too long. Life must go on.
You know, when I have no friend to share, I just close my eyes and imagine. Imagine everthing which make me smile up. Quiet easy to do it. Sometimes, I get it in my dream, only in my dream.
Noone knows about my secret, except someone. If I remember what the exactly. I feel little bit angry with her. Why she did it, only cause a personal problem. It isn't her problem. That's my business.
Yeah... Maybe I still have the other luckly. Certain.

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