Mar 11, 2008

First Day in East Kalimantan after 1 Month in South Kalimantan

Hay hay hay.... akhirnya aku bisa posting lagi disini. Setelah sekian lama ga browsing gara-gara kerjaan yang nuntut waktu. Hari ini, hari pertama aku di Balikpapan, aku disini cuman 4 hari aja. Ada urusan doank disini, after finishing my business I'm going to back to Jungle T_T. It's OK.
Well, my blog I miss you so much. So long I never share my history with you. Hiks hiks...
Btw anyway busway, I would like to share with you my blog. It's only 3 days my interview day will come. My interview day to make big change in my life, I guess. But, it has to spend much time much money much thinking. I have been thinking for a quiet long, but I could not choose it. I just let it flow. But now, it's only 3 days again. A few times ago, I followed the test to get scholarship from Universitas Pelita Harapan in Manado. I could pass it the written test. But, I have to follow the interview test, and it should be in Manado. Since the day I heard that news I always think about it. But, till 3 days coming up I couldn't choose it.
Huh.... I dunno.
Well, forget it. I still have many things to do.
Whuaahheeemmmmm.......... Ngantuk dech..... Besok lagi yah di sambung.

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