Mar 24, 2008

Backlog Unit

Sore sore sore….. duh, setelah sekian lama stay ditengah hutan belantara, gak pernah kasih kabar dan posting berita. Akhirnya datang juga waktunya posting.. hehehehe…

Di tempat kerja ku ada 4 orang Supervisor yang dekat sama aku. Hari Pranoto (cacak ku), Brenvil Tuwaidan (si paman bocin), kk Jimmy (si timor yang manis), Bapak Del (si Mr. No Space).

Klo udah waktunya istirahat, kami pasti sama2. Bergosip sama2, makan sama2, tidur siang juga sama2. Yah namanya juga satua lokasi kerjaan.

Tapi aku paling klop sama si paman botak and kk jimmy.
Soal2 unit yang breakdown larinya ke paman botak, klo soal backlog (kerusakan unit) larinya ke kk jimmy.

Nah ini dia backlog terakhir yang di buat sama kk Jimmy (Have a nice laughing)
--------------------------------------- Baca dari bawah ke atas------------------------------------

I've made the schedule. It's going to repair when the change shift at 30th March 2008.
The Plant number is TH018, as the entire of the tip bucket.

I've Scope of work too :)


Christine Rina Wowor
Plant Department
PT. Leighton Contractor Indonesia
Wahana Coal Mine - Satui
South Kalimantan
Mobile: +6285246748075

-----Original Message-----
From: Mr. Colin
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 3:49 PM
To: Christine Rina; Bapak Peter; Bapak Darling
Cc: Cacak Hari; Paman Botak; Bapak Theo; Mr. No Space; Nona Menir
Yohanes Jimmy
Subject: RE: Repiair old man

Please make sure that Jimmy
Gives you a plant number
And opens a proper work order before starting work


MR. Colin

PT. Leighton Contractors Indonesia

-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Rina
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 2:28 PM
To: MR. Colin; Bapak Peter; Bapak Darling
Cc: Cacak Hari; Paman Botak; Bapak Theo; Mr. No Space; Nona Menir
Yohanes Jimmy
Subject: RE: Repiair old man

Time for laugh....

:) :)

Christine Rina Wowor
Plant Department
PT. Leighton Contractor Indonesia
Wahana Coal Mine - Satui
South Kalimantan
Mobile: +6285246748075

-----Original Message-----
From: Yohanes Jimmy
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 2:24 PM
To: Christine Rina
Cc: Cacak Hari; Paman Botak; Bapak Theo; Mr. No Space; Nona Menir
Subject: Repiair old man


Please meke schedule to repair..........



Penasaran kan sama apa yang dibuat sama kk Jimmy???
Nih dia backlognya!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 11, 2008

First Day in East Kalimantan after 1 Month in South Kalimantan

Hay hay hay.... akhirnya aku bisa posting lagi disini. Setelah sekian lama ga browsing gara-gara kerjaan yang nuntut waktu. Hari ini, hari pertama aku di Balikpapan, aku disini cuman 4 hari aja. Ada urusan doank disini, after finishing my business I'm going to back to Jungle T_T. It's OK.
Well, my blog I miss you so much. So long I never share my history with you. Hiks hiks...
Btw anyway busway, I would like to share with you my blog. It's only 3 days my interview day will come. My interview day to make big change in my life, I guess. But, it has to spend much time much money much thinking. I have been thinking for a quiet long, but I could not choose it. I just let it flow. But now, it's only 3 days again. A few times ago, I followed the test to get scholarship from Universitas Pelita Harapan in Manado. I could pass it the written test. But, I have to follow the interview test, and it should be in Manado. Since the day I heard that news I always think about it. But, till 3 days coming up I couldn't choose it.
Huh.... I dunno.
Well, forget it. I still have many things to do.
Whuaahheeemmmmm.......... Ngantuk dech..... Besok lagi yah di sambung.

Jan 15, 2008

Alone Journey

Hai hai hai.... Welcome back to Bpp Chrisnanice.. Hehehe
Hari ini aku baru nyampe Balikpapan jam 11.00 tadi, ndirian aja lagi (syapa peduli :D)..
Baru nyampe langsung ke Head Office ane dolo di Batakan... Trus bis dari Batakan aku ngelayap lagi ndirian ke BC, ngenet dech. Mampir ke YM nya papahkuw yang mo ke kelas.

Besok dakuw terakhir di Bpp, tapi sebelum pulang dakuw mampir dolo ke RS Balikpapan Baru, mo MCU. Soalnye dakuw mo dipaketkan ke Kal-Sel, duhhhh jauh naaaa..... Cape deeeeeeeeeeeeee....
Tapi gpp dah.... Mudahan ane dapet temen yang mbeneh-mbeneh.

Dah dah dah dah cup cup muach muach....